Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Dunno

Hey Girlies,

So this is a totally random post.  I just felt like saying hi.  Since I have no specific ideas, I will tell you what I did last night.  I HAD A PAJAMA PARTY!  That's right!  All of my girlies (except Carson from Gizmo's Arsenal, who was sorely missed) came over my house in their PJ's (I wore my Gnome ones), drank wine, and ate junk food, all while watching chick flicks and gossiping.  It was a much needed night of fun and relaxation.  To anyone out there feeling down (even though it is the glorious holiday season), I highly recommend getting together with your besties and having a nostalgic and fun night doing something you haven't done since middle school (well, minus the wine).  Anyway, thank you to all of my friendsies for coming over and picking me up after a rough week (which included getting locked out of my house for two hours with no phone and no coat...have you ever borrowed the mailman's cell phone to call your mommy?  I have...btw thanks again Mailman Anthony).  I love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. this will happen again because i love pajamas, i love wine, and I LOVE PARTIES.

    Most of all, i love you!
