Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ok so I know nail polish is supposed to be Johanna's thing, but I simply cannot help myself! I went to get my nails done today, and I knew I wanted a color that said fall. When I looked at the many options, I experienced what some might call love at first sight! That's right ladies I fell in love with this fall color ( get it cause I fell in love and it's fall..fall and fell...don you know what I mean ;) ). Anyway, not only did I find a color that was fall-ish (??), I found THE PERFECT FALL NAIL COLOR!!!!  Wanna know what it is?? Drum roll please..... Every Month is Oktoberfest by OPI Now at first glance this color is nothing special. It was not until the lady put it on my nails that we both oohed and ahhed over the amazingness that is this color.  When I picked up the bottle I thought I was picking s deep red, but when it was applied to my nails, IT WAS PURPLE!!!! How did this magic occur you ask? It's the amazing duo chrome that OPI has perfected. The color appears a deep red, but when it catches the light the purple shimmer takes over and literally blows my mind!!!  Suffice to say I will be purchasing my own bottle of this liquid love and be wearing it all fall!!!

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