Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ok so I know nail polish is supposed to be Johanna's thing, but I simply cannot help myself! I went to get my nails done today, and I knew I wanted a color that said fall. When I looked at the many options, I experienced what some might call love at first sight! That's right ladies I fell in love with this fall color ( get it cause I fell in love and it's fall..fall and fell...don you know what I mean ;) ). Anyway, not only did I find a color that was fall-ish (??), I found THE PERFECT FALL NAIL COLOR!!!!  Wanna know what it is?? Drum roll please..... Every Month is Oktoberfest by OPI Now at first glance this color is nothing special. It was not until the lady put it on my nails that we both oohed and ahhed over the amazingness that is this color.  When I picked up the bottle I thought I was picking s deep red, but when it was applied to my nails, IT WAS PURPLE!!!! How did this magic occur you ask? It's the amazing duo chrome that OPI has perfected. The color appears a deep red, but when it catches the light the purple shimmer takes over and literally blows my mind!!!  Suffice to say I will be purchasing my own bottle of this liquid love and be wearing it all fall!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's That Smell??

Hey there girlies!!!

I thought I would start out this blog with a post about perfume.  This is not going to be the kind of post where I tell you to go out and buy my favorite perfume (which is Carolina Herrera 212 for the record).  It is going to be a few of my tips and tricks.  

Personally, I love perfume, and I think it makes a great gift (both to give and to receive).  I must admit though that choosing a fragrance is a highly personal matter, and therefore, it is unavoidable that we will receive (ok and give) a few duds.  It's easy to feel pressured to use a perfume that someone spent a lot of money on, but it's not so easy to keep your gag reflex under control if you smell like your Great Grandma Velma.  Well fear not my floral scented friends!! My tips are here to save the day!!

1. What to do with fragrances that are too heavy: 

          Many perfumes (especially cheap ones) tend to be headache-inducingly strong.  If you are blessed with a gem like this, simply repurpose.  Heavy fragrances tend to smell better when they are dispersed in a larger area, so use these as air fresheners instead of perfume.  One spritz might overpower your wrist, but it will probably be just the right amount to give your bedroom that extra girly aroma.  

2. What about when a fragrance is too weak:

          It is so annoying when a really nice scent goes undetected after one hour of wearing it.  To me, it's pointless to waste good top notes if they are not going to be smelled.  So here's my solution!  Spray these puppies in your purse.  The fabric lining will hold the scent better than your skin does, and you can spray plenty in there (unlike on your body because then you risk smelling like you bathed in a vat of flowers).  As you rummage around your bag for stuff, the scent will waft up to your nose and be a great pick-me-up!  

3. Okay, but what about the ones that smell like toilette water?:

          Thought ya stumped me there didn't ya?! Ever heard of interior design? Perfume bottles are one of the best accessories for a vanity or bookshelf.  Even if you can't stand the smell of the perfume, you can use the bottle as decoration.  Bottle too boring you say?  Put a few drops of food coloring into the perfume (as long as you never plan on using it again)...instantly interesting!  

4. Still not satisfied?:

          I would like to go on record now as saying that I am not, have never been, and will never be a re-gifter.  However, giving something away and re-gifting are very different.  So my suggestion is a perfume swap party.  Everyone loves a girls night, so why not throw in a little shopping....without the money?!  As I said earlier, perfume is very personal.  That scent you can't stand on you might be the perfect fragrance for your friend.  Also, different perfumes smell different on other people based on body chemistry or some fancy scientific stuff that I don't really know about.  The point is, what smells like sweat socks on you might smell incredible on your best friend.  So have each girl bring one or two bottles of perfume she has lying around, and swap.  Not only did you find a use for that perfume, but you had an excuse to hang out with the girls too.  

If you guys have any other suggestions, leave them as a comment below!  I would love to hear what you do with your neglected perfumes!!